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CHAIR DHRUV PAREKH Meet Dhruv Parekh, the Chair of UNSC, a proficient debater with a vast knowledge across finance, politics, history, current affairs, and sports. His great communication skills, global debate experience, and ability to engage audiences make him an invaluable asset as a chair or leader in any forum. He is also the President of the Business and Finance club @JNS for this year and brings a lot to the table. With Dhruv Parekh as your Chair at AWS 2024, you will always have someone to approach for anything at all and he will make sure your experience there is incomparable.

VICE CHAIR SAMARTH AHUJA Meet Samarth Ahuja, the Vice-Chair of UNSC. Samarth is what they call a master of all trades. He has a knack for finding the perfect balance between professionalism and having fun. He enjoys interacting with people and curating a great committee session. His ever competitive spirit ensures that there’s no scope to be defenceless. Being in a committee led by Samarth means sitting on the edge of your seat while knowing you have a person you can reach out to for any help.

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MODERATOR VENISHA MEHTA Meet Venisha Mehta, the Moderator of UNSC. Amiable, tireless and quite the charmer, Venisha Mehta is a born leader. Armed with the grit to work towards her goals, she outshines as an assertive and determined individual. She is a trade of all jacks, trying to master them all. Her extroverted personality and energetic demeanour truly do set her apart.

RAPPORTEUR BHUVASHWA MOHANTY Meet Bhuvashwa Mohanty, the Rapporteur of UNSC. Beside her profound love for reading Russian literature, being a food connoisseur and watching crime documentaries, she has a knack for engaging in a fruitful debate and a determination to prove herself right. She loves shedding light on controversial global topics that are rarely widely known and urges to find solutions to combat those problems with pragmatism and dedication.

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