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HEAD SIMAR KOHLI Meet Simar Kohli, Head of Public Relations. With a wealth of experience across various PR and marketing teams, Simar brings an understanding of communication strategies to the table. Passionate about the same, she aspires to delve deeper into the realm of marketing in the future. Beyond this, Simar finds solace and strength in kickboxing, a testament to her resilience and determination. And when she's not strategizing or socialising, you can find her indulging in her love for makeup, blending creativity with precision in every stroke.

HEAD PRINAKA PARALKAR Meet Prinaka Paralkar, Head of Public Relations. Having worked on various school events for the school's Instagram page, she's full of creativity and is keen to broaden her knowledge in the field of marketing. She's also fervent about painting and digital artwork as she gets to express her originality. It's the determination and the longing to face challenges that gets her going. With the need to bring everything to perfection and precisely doing it, she works on the finest details for the finest results.

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SUB HEAD JIANA NAGPAL Meet Jiana Nagpal, A Sub-head of Public Relations. She is a PR enthusiast with a knack for social media and a passion for creative writing. She's your go-to person for crafting compelling narratives, managing online presence with a flair, and bringing stories to life in the digital realm.

SUB HEAD KASHVI RUPARELIA Meet Kashvi Ruparelia, a Sub-head of Public Relations. Kashvi is a captivating whirlwind of enthusiasm. She is an explorer of the cosmos, an avid stargazer forever chasing the next celestial wonder. But her true talent lies in capturing every moment. An enthusiastic compiler, she isn't one to let a memory fade. This translates into a contagious positive attitude and a willingness to lend help to everyone in need.

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SUB HEAD SHLOKA MODI Meet Shloka Modi, a Sub-head of Public Relations. An individual of pronounced extroversion, she thrives in social settings and readily engages with others. Her reliability and punctuality ensures she meets commitments with unwavering consistency. An amiable nature and an optimistic disposition makes her a source of positive energy. Her expressiveness fosters clear communication, though it can occasionally verge on dominance in group dynamics.

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SUB HEAD SANAYA MEDHEKAR Meet Sanaya Medhekar, a Sub-head of public Relations. Sanaya enjoys dancing, listening to music, and reading. She's skilled at social media marketing and finds AWS fascinating because it allows her to create impressive digital campaigns.

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