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CHAIR MYRA DWIVEDI Meet Myra Dwivedi, the Chair of IP. Bold and daring. Despite the negative connotations usually attached to these words, Myra embodies them in the best light possible. With her vast expanse of knowledge on the most random topics, may it be statistics about ceiling fans or the history of Fiji, you’ll never be bored (or be boring yourself). With a near 100% award winning reputation as a delegate, she’s not easy to impress. She loves intense, fiery debates and controversial arguments. Rest assured, you’re set to always enjoy yourself in her committee.

VICE CHAIR DEV VORA Meet Dev Vora, the Vice-Chair of IP. A very detailed, communicative and versatile individual, he’s not only an enthusiastic sportsman but also inclined towards Model United Nations. One of his most valuable qualities is being a team player. His strength also lies in being knowledgeable about current affairs and Indian politics making him the most suitable Vice-Chair of the Indian Parliament committee.

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MODERATOR DHYAAN PAREKH Meet Dhyaan Parekh, the Moderator of IP. Dhyaan has been an avid MUNer since 6th grade leaving his mark always. He loves to read, trek, research and debate and can never leave an argument without winning it. One thing that’s assured is that he will always stand up for the truth no matter what. He takes keen interest in politics and world affairs, being a great addition to the Indian Parliament Committee.

RAPPORTEUR AAYANA TANDON Meet Aayana Tandon, the Rapporteur of IP. Enthusiastic and outgoing, Aayana is a passionate debater with a keen interest in Indian politics and a knack for public speaking. She thrives in environments where ideas are exchanged, challenged, and refined. Apart from this, Aayana is also a dog lover, Harry Styles enthusiast, and a sportsperson who spends most of her time listening to music and reading books. Possessing a diverse range of interests and a natural gift for communication, she navigates social interactions with ease.

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